Can Online Education Replace Classrooms? - Insurance for Scrap

Friday 20 December 2013

Can Online Education Replace Classrooms?

Submitted by: James Dyson

Today, the internet is widely regarded as a major bridge linking the small and big, the possible and impossible, hidden and open and creating extensive possibilities across a wide spectrum. It strategically empowers the small guy to set up home-based business and pose like a giant concern. Even charities organizations are now thriving better through application if Internet resources. In reality, the whole world, on a daily basis, is currently under the spell of phenomenal growth of Internet. And one of such areas that Internet has drastically changed forever is EDUCATION - yes, education is now being carried out online and popularly called E-Learning! Unlike in the days of yore, a young man can now stay in the Hinterland of Africa and attend a school in England or Australia without qualms.

Needless controversy?

However, despite the beautiful advantage of online education painted in the above paragraph, there are raging controversies against it. While others are shouting about which is superior to the other? While this article will not make an armchair judgment on this issue, however, you shall be presented with the facts on the ground. Firstly, realize that online education is being used by both secondary and tertiary students. But due to the fact that secondary students still require adult guidance, E-Learning is not yet as deep at this level as it is for tertiary level. How the E-Learning changes the live of young students worldwide. It's proven that majority secondary students are presently hob-knobbing between classrooms and sitting in front of computers undergoing intense lectures and prep-work with great successes. Also, E-learning enable young students to sit for international exams and pursue scholarship, while learning foreign languages have become as simple as enrolling for community classes. The only exception is practical and laboratories guidance from teachers at schools. It should also be noted that online education is making it possible for hitherto, rural-based schools to favorably compete in, arm to arm with those in the urban centers. It also allows rural schools improve academic curriculum to meet international standards. On a general scale, the worry of overcrowded classrooms has become a thing of the past. How? Because a well-laid E-learning program can admit hundred of students from many countries to access same course at the same time.

Can online classes ever replace physical classrooms?

From what has been said so far, it is clear that supplanting online education to physical classroom can not be possible. Just as Internet can't supplant our cultural ways of life, but meant to add more benefits and opportunities to them. The same way has online education help the growth of basic classroom education - it is presently widening inherent opportunities of education.

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