Online Education Is Not For These People. Are You One Of Them? - Insurance for Scrap

Friday 20 December 2013

Online Education Is Not For These People. Are You One Of Them?


Submitted by: Ras Reed

I am pretty sure you’ve read a lot about online education. But I need to stress that online education, contrary to what you’ve come across out there is really not for everyone. Its not for a certain group of people. Are you one of them? Check out the list.

People that are not self-motivated

With an online education, you are the one that will do the work all alone. There is no teacher running after you to do your assignments, finish up a course on time and so on. You must be someone that can motivate himself or herself to do the work without supervision. Hence, if you’re not self motivated, I urge you to discard online education.

People that are not determined

There are many people out there with an erroneous belief that online education is easy. On the contrary, online education is not the chicken hearted. It’s only for the determined mind. If you find that you give up easily in the face of little or no difficulty, then its highly recommended that you have your education in a traditional or conventional school. Online education requires you to be determined since you have to cope with lots of problems in your place of work and family. Except you’re the boss in your office, you may have problem studying along with your busy schedule. And unless you’re single, you may have problem curtailing your children during studying online.

Lazy people

Do you always put off tasks? If you do, then online education is not recommended for you. Though you learn at your own pace with online education, care must be taken that you don’t give room for laziness. Procrastination is a major cause for failure in online education.

People that can’t manage time

If you want to be successful in your online educational pursuit, its advisable that you become a good manager of time. How do you plan your day? Do you achieve what you plan for? If you discover that you don’t keep to schedule and your time is always managed by others, then I urge you to forget about online education. It’s not for you. Think very well, if you’re finding it hard keeping to time now, will you find it easy doing so with online education?

If you discover that you’re one of this group of people, then I urge you to consider this advice. Its either you give up your quest for online education or change your present way of life. The latter is more preferable. Why? Online education is good for you. But you have to get rid of all those habits that will do more harm than good to you. Online education makes it easy to be among the top in your field. You don’t need to head back to school. Use online education to keep abreast of facts and information in your field.

About the Author: Ras Reed is a prolific writer that gives free information. Get more info at

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